Thursday, 12 March 2020

What is Letter of Representation & Its impact

Letter of representation can be utilised before the accused even makes an appearance in court. By representations, defence counsels are able to write to the prosecution to attempt negotiations regarding the charges brought against the client.

Letter of representation is considered and planned by Our Best Lawyers, pointing out certain evidentiary gaps which may prompt the prosecution to reassess the charges against the client. You will be assisted in your version of the circumstances surrounding the alleged offences along with arguments.

Here are some possible impacts of the letter of representation.

No Further Action:

As the name says, This is the best case scenario that means there is no charges against you.

Unconditional Stern Warning:

In this, you will be discharged amounting to an acquittal. That means the prosecution will not pursue this matter further and you are not found guilty of the offence.

Conditional Stern Warning:

In this, you will be discharged not amounting to an acquittal. That means the prosecutor retains the right to prosecute you for this offence. The execution will impose conditions on you during this period, once the conditions have been complied with, a discharge amounting to an acquittal will be granted.

Amended Charges:
With this, the execution may reduce the charge from one that carries a heavier sentence to one that is less severe.

Proceeding with Original Charges:

This is the worst-case scenario. in this, the prosecution will proceed with the original charges against you.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Find a suitable lawyer for business partnership disputes

A business partnership can be explained as a business operation between two or more individual who share management and profits. In some cases, the partnership does not last long if one partner does not want to continue with the business activities resulting in termination. The conflict becomes a dispute that threatens the viability of the partnership.

Some types of business partnership disputes are-
  1. Breach of contract
  2. Misuse of trade secrets
  3. Breach of fiduciary duty
  4. Disputes regarding how to use resources
  5. Failure to define authority
To handle these types of circumstances there would be the requirement of a lawyer to resolve the conflict in a legal aspect so that it should not hinder your business.

Here are some solid points you must ask an attorney before hiring -

  1. How long have you experienced law?
  2. What type of cases do you generally handle?
  3. How many cases have you dealt with that were similar to mine?
  4. Is the structured plan for your dispute well managed or not?
  5. What is the likely outcome in my case?
Business partnerships are not so easy and If you are facing this kind of problem, our team can handle all difficult situations. We can help you to resolve your legal issues immediately and provide expert advice and assistance. Darshan law firm was established in 1983 having 37 years of experience. We have handled the great number of Business partnership disputes. If you are associated in a dispute with your partner or would like to hire legal experts about how to deal with such disputes, the business lawyers at The Darshan Law Firm can provide you with the very best of advice.